Employee spotlight: Kevin McDonald
“What would customers want?” This simple question is at the core of what makes loanDepot’s wholesale portal the ultimate destination for brokers nationwide.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This is to give notice that loanDepot.com, LLC (“loanDepot”) and its affiliates have a business relationship with mellohome, a Texas and California licensed real estate broker. Accordingly, any referral to mellohome may provide loanDepot, its parent company and/or its affiliates with a financial or other benefit. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO USE MELLOHOME AS A CONDITION FOR PURCHASE OF A HOME. Please click here for the full Affiliated Business Arrangement disclosure.
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“What would customers want?” This simple question is at the core of what makes loanDepot’s wholesale portal the ultimate destination for brokers nationwide.
Giving back to the communities in which we work and live is a valued part of the loanDepot company culture. Year after year, our associates rally to support the causes that are making an impact nationwide.
When asked what he loves most about working at loanDepot’s Mortgage Master location in Glastonbury, Conn, Stephen Campbell replies, “The satisfaction I get from helping people. It feels good knowing that someone else’s life is better as a result of my efforts.”
Helping the communities in which we live and work is at the heart of what we do at loanDepot. Whether helping veterans fund homes for their families; matching responsible borrower with the credit they need to purchase a home, access home equity for an important renovation; or paying down high interest rate credit card debt, every day #TeamloanDepot associates are hard at work to help consumer nationwide achieve their dreams.
Last week loanDepot’s imortgage team supported the Riverside Golf Classic, presented by KB Home’s Inland Empire Division. Now in its 10th year, the event’s ambitious goal is to raise $1 million for the Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC), a hospital established in 1893 in downtown Riverside, California. RCRMC has delivered medical care to the community for more than a century, and currently faces population growth that is outpacing its medical offerings.
When Lisa Gustafson and her team joined loanDepot’s imortgage, she said it felt like she had “died and gone to lending heaven.”
There are quite a few reasons why Jeniffer Martinez-Kim joined #TeamloanDepot, and four and a half years later, she feels the most important reason is still reinforced every day: Unlimited opportunity.
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