The #fintech opportunity of a lifetime
If you’re passionate about fintech, or are looking for the opportunity of the lifetime, keep reading.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This is to give notice that, LLC (“loanDepot”) and its affiliates have a business relationship with mellohome, a Texas and California licensed real estate broker. Accordingly, any referral to mellohome may provide loanDepot, its parent company and/or its affiliates with a financial or other benefit. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO USE MELLOHOME AS A CONDITION FOR PURCHASE OF A HOME. Please click here for the full Affiliated Business Arrangement disclosure.
Acknowledgment: By clicking "CONTINUE TO MELLOHOME.COM" below, I/we acknowledge that I/we have read this disclosure form and understand that any referrals by loanDepot for the described settlement service(s) may result in loanDepot, its parent company and/or its affiliates receiving a financial or other benefit.
If you’re passionate about fintech, or are looking for the opportunity of the lifetime, keep reading.
#TeamloanDepot wins again! Our company’s impressive growth has propelled us to No. 46 on the Orange County Business Journal’s 2016 Top OC Employers list. The 28-spot climb, from 74th in 2014 to 46th in 2015, is the biggest year-over-year jump in rankings of any of the 82 Orange County companies listed.
Every day, #TeamloanDepot strives to help responsible borrowers achieve their dreams. But we are also dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people in the communities in which we live and work.
The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate declined slightly leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday, according to Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage hasn't risen above 4 percent since July, which is helping homebuyer affordability in the face of rising house prices due to low levels of inventory in many markets.
For Dan Hanson, every day is filled with exciting positives, both for imortgage borrowers and for the imortgage associates who provide lending support.
Rates were largely unchanged this week after two straight weeks of sharp increases as analyst expectations turned from world events to the Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC) October minutes. Persistent expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise its key rate next month were
Recent market conditions for IPOs and the companies vying for their unicorn status have generated a lot of interest, to say the least. In fact, they're dominating conversations among investors, business leaders and in the media. loanDepot, a unicorn startup that has surpassed the $1 billion valuation, is one of the very few success stories not from Silicon Valley.
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